
Grace-Filled Giftings

Broadcast #: 7304
Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-6

Look to your heavenly Father for special grace within the parameters of whatever gifts He may have given you. What gifts do you have?

The Order Of Respect

Broadcast #: 7143
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:17

The formula for a healthy society is to honor all men, fear God, honor the king, servants subject to their bosses. We must do our work with the idea of serving God in all we do.

Living At Peace With Others

Broadcast #: 7085
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

You work every day under the supervision of God. Do what you do because God has you there. Live at peace. The war in your own heart is over and you don’t need to worry with your focus on God.

The Right Attitude

Broadcast #: 7084
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

The Bible says when you pray about your job you will have the right thoughts and attitude.

Who Gets The Credit?

Broadcast #: 7050
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:3-6

The evidence of God’s work in your life will produce the recognition of God when people meet you. Give God the glory.

Being An Example To Others

Broadcast #: 7039
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-6

Paul’s life was an example for others. You are a model for others. Somewhere, somebody is trying to be just like you. The turning point in your life will be at which you view your daily work as being done to edify and inspire others.

Faith Routines

Broadcast #: 7029
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Our effectiveness in what we do is through faith and love, energized with the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Ordinary Made Extraordinary

Broadcast #: 6367
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20

God wants to meet you in the ordinary things of life. Yes, He does!

Good And Faithful

Broadcast #: 6488
Scripture: Colossians 1:2

Faithfulness involves knowing to whom you belong and for whom you’re working.