
Power With Purpose

Broadcast #: 7290
Scripture: Ephesians 1:20

What I am raising is that the power of Christ’s resurrection is power to share the very presence and power of the Lord Jesus Christ to needy, hungry lives.


Broadcast #: 7289
Scripture: Ephesians 1

What is the power of his resurrection? Well, the first thing is it makes you alive. You’re spiritually dead until you’re born again, spiritually dead in trespasses and sins.

True Power

Broadcast #: 7288
Scripture: Ephesians 1:19-20

There is principality and there is power and there is might and there is dominion and there is the precedence of one name over another, every name that is named but the Lord Jesus tops it all.

A Life After Death

Broadcast #: 7073
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

It is a joy to be included and wanted. Jesus wants us to be with Him. We can be comforted that this life isn’t all there is. We have sorrow in bereavement, but it is without the hopelessness. When Christ returns the dead in Christ will rise first and receive their glorified bodies.

Hope For Those Who Believe

Broadcast #: 7071
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15

Hope that we have as Christians is a glorious thing. Christ living in us is our hope for eternal life after death.

The Confidence Of Christ’s Return

Broadcast #: 7044
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:10

The proof of Christ’s work in your life proves we can trust His promise to do what we can’t see yet. He is trustworthy. The true test of whether or not you’ve had an effective ministry can be found in the lives of people who have been changed because of you.

Your Life: A Beautiful Story

Broadcast #: 6893
Scripture: John 11:16

Believe firmly that God has plans that are greater than your present distress.

Love With Christ’s Love

Broadcast #: 6888
Scripture: John 11

The love of Christ can become the motivating factor of everything in your life on Earth.

Who’s In Charge Here?

Broadcast #: 6817
Scripture: John 2:13-25

The question of authority comes up again and again – why is that?

The Impossible

Broadcast #: 6645
Scripture: Mark 16

The stone rolled way from the empty tomb was a literally impossible, and joyous, event. When the immovable problems hit your life, remember that the God of miraculous and impossible things; cares, is already ahead of you and will see you through.