

Broadcast #: 6789
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6

God would have us learn to run away from things that would destroy our fellowship with Him.

Finding Treasure

Broadcast #: 6776
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:18-19

Eternity is coming. Only that which you give away for God is what you’re going to keep for eternity.

In All Things, Trust

Broadcast #: 6773
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17

The trust that you and I place is found in the living God – the One who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.

If God’s Timing Is Perfect

Broadcast #: 6760
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:8-10

Faith is the willingness to risk a situation on God. Patience is the willingness to wait for God’s timing.

First And Foremost

Broadcast #: 6759
Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:8-10

Be sure that money and things take their own secondary place as to be used for the glory of God.

Every Step You Take

Broadcast #: 6753
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4-5

Praying your way through the day touches everything in it with glory.

Waiting Patiently

Broadcast #: 6692
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:3

Patience through the knowledge that God’s schedule is perfect — I can indeed wait for Him.

What Are You Really Thinking About?

Broadcast #: 6598
Scripture: Mark 14:4-6

What you really think about, that which is on your mind all the time, becomes the basis on which you are willing to risk your life and your well-being

Stewarding His Love

Broadcast #: 6591
Scripture: Mark 12:41-44

Our giving as Christians grows out of the profound awareness that it all belongs to God.

Jesus, Only Jesus

Broadcast #: 6568
Scripture: Mark 10:17-23

There isn’t anything in the world that is worth getting in between you and God.