Training your mind involves, reading, persuading others, doctrine: what you really believe. Exhortation means how we communicate to others. Your beliefs effect your behavior.
Being an example of God’s love chooses Christ’s love to control us rather than bitterness. He cares about us enough to give us His love that will cause us to be a victor over the painful circumstances of life.
Elders are to preach God’s word and they are to be an example in what they say or don’t say. Be an example by the way you live out your life. We can only show God’s love to others by spending time in God’s presence.
The minute you turn it over to God, He can handle it. And the heaviness goes out of the burden, and the sting goes out of the hurt, and the presence of the Lord Jesus fills your life with peace and joy — I can guarantee it. Turn to Him today.
To sense the presence of God when you walk into a room is normal Christianity. When you walk into a situation people should sense the presence of God — that’s holiness.
The deep desire of seeing others standing fast in the Lord should be what drives us in terms of ministry and caring for others. Our faith during times of trouble and how we handle it will help someone else believe that they can make it too.
Paul’s life was an example for others. You are a model for others. Somewhere, somebody is trying to be just like you. The turning point in your life will be at which you view your daily work as being done to edify and inspire others.