Living Life In The Holy Spirit Broadcast #: 7037 Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:5 To live in the Holy Spirit means committing every moment and activity to God’s help through prayer. Pray your way through the day.
A Living, Breathing Demonstration Broadcast #: 6725 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 Under the control of the Holy Spirit of God, you are walking, living, breathing proof that Jesus is who he says he is.
Called To Teach Broadcast #: 6690 Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:2 To teach means to make clear the authority of the Word of God. God means what He says.
What Is Important Broadcast #: 6631 Scripture: Mark 4 My decisions are to be made on the truth of God’s Word, not on the circumstances around me.
Winning The Battle Broadcast #: 6371 Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 Some of the saddest things in all of life are those times when you see someone who has been used of God but is tripped up by Satan’s snares.