
For His Intent

Broadcast #: 7104
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:25

As you pray for yourself and for others, remember that this is a battle. God is able to open up things for you so the Word of God gets out.

Trusted With The Gospel

Broadcast #: 7048
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:4

We are put in trust with the gospel. What is involved in the stewardship of this message? Know the gospel, live it, share it. Follow up with people.

Chosen To Share The Gospel

Broadcast #: 7047
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:4

We have a responsibility to God in sharing the gospel. We are responsible to know what the gospel is.

His Choice, Not Mine

Broadcast #: 6837
Scripture: John 4:43-45

Jesus takes care of those things that have to do with people relationships, and he also takes care of the things that threaten to break your heart, because He’s Lord of all.


Broadcast #: 6683
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:4-6

God’s promises are for you, my brother, my sister, and He want to send you to somebody today.

Yes To Jesus

Broadcast #: 6409
Scripture: Mark 5:1-19

Don’t be afraid to yield fully to Jesus. Minister to others in your everyday life as He would. If others are uncomfortable it may be a reminder of the wrongs in their life, but always display God’s love as a witness to them.

A Vessel Of Grace

Broadcast #: 6368
Scripture: Mark 1:16-17

God can take the person that is you, whatever you are, and make a saving impact upon other people by His Holy Spirit working through your life.