
He’s In Control

Broadcast #: 7317
Scripture: Ephesians 3:20

God has something for you. Learn to count on the surprises of God — up, over, out of, and way beyond anything you can ask or even imagine. He’s able to do that.

A Greater Power

Broadcast #: 7306
Scripture: Ephesians 3:7

God works when you let Him, the effectual working of His power to us who believe. Believing is not just a mental attitude. Believing is commitment.

How To Be Like Jesus

Broadcast #: 7255
Scripture: 2 Peter 2

You’ll never understand life until you love your Lord with all your heart. Understanding of life — who am I? Why am I here and what’s happening and why should it be happening? And why should it be happening and what’s going to become of it all?

Living For His Purpose

Broadcast #: 7254
Scripture: 2 Peter 2

The reason we’re asked to give ourselves over to God completely as a living sacrifice is to prove that God is right. That you may prove what is good and what is acceptable and what is perfect, namely, the will of God.

How Suffering Perfects Us

Broadcast #: 7196
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:10

We are called to eternal glory and through suffering and trials God is at work to perfect us. To perfect us means to mend, equip, rearrange.

The Callings Of God

Broadcast #: 7195
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:10

We are called to obtain the glory of God, his likeness in our lives. We are called to holiness. We are made into His likeness through the trials we endure.

Shining Under Pressure

Broadcast #: 7169
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-15

Don’t be surprised by trials. We get to share in Christ’s suffering so that we share in His glory. You are blessed if you still shine and stay strong under criticism or pressures.

Sharing In Christ’s Suffering

Broadcast #: 7168
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12-14

We can have joy in our trials because we are sharing in suffering as Christ did. To have His glory shine through us we must take time to absorb His presence and be with Him.

The Testing Of Our Faith

Broadcast #: 7126
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-9

Trials test and refine our faith. Our faith is strengthened as we go through the trials.

Joy Through Testing

Broadcast #: 7125
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:4-7

We have joy because of the person of Christ. Jesus understands how we feel in the trials we go through.