
Taking Criticism For Your Faith

Broadcast #: 7170
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:15

Gossip as a sin is equal to murder. If you are doing what God’s will says, you can stand tall under opposition. Don’t be ashamed when persecuted, but give God glory.

A Holy Life

Broadcast #: 7114
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4

Holiness is reflected in the use of your body. And if you want to be sure that you’re ready for the Lord Jesus Christ, be sure that you’re living in a way that honors Him in everyday living.

Relating To Others

Broadcast #: 7112
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2

To sense the presence of God when you walk into a room is normal Christianity. When you walk into a situation people should sense the presence of God — that’s holiness.

Your Walk Reflection

Broadcast #: 7054
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:12

Walk in a way worthy of the God you say you serve. The only God people know is the God relected in your own life. Two points from ” Four Spiritual Laws” as an index of Christian credibility.

Trusted With The Gospel

Broadcast #: 7048
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:4

We are put in trust with the gospel. What is involved in the stewardship of this message? Know the gospel, live it, share it. Follow up with people.

How The Gospel Gives Assurance

Broadcast #: 7038
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:5

Assurance of understanding, of hope, of faith. Get your life so full with the blessing of God that it spills out.

True Service

Broadcast #: 6473
Scripture: Titus 3:14

It boils down to just doing something warm and loving and tender and helpful at the time when it’s needed… as the Spirit of God nudges you.