Soul Winning

Soul Winners

Broadcast #: 6811
Scripture: John 1:40

Soul winning involves a holy, God-given quest – a search for a precious soul.

Spiritual Food

Broadcast #: 6740
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:16

The concepts that you dwell on will affect your words and your conduct.

Victorious Victory

Broadcast #: 6373
Scripture: Mark 1:29-35

Yield yourself to Christ and let the Holy Spirit of God guide you. You’ll find that you too, have the thrill and the joy of winning somebody to the Lord Jesus.

A Vessel Of Grace

Broadcast #: 6368
Scripture: Mark 1:16-17

God can take the person that is you, whatever you are, and make a saving impact upon other people by His Holy Spirit working through your life.

A Greater Purpose

Broadcast #: 6290
Scripture: Colossians 4:14

There has to come that point where all that you are is turned over to the control of the Blessed Spirit of God for the purpose of bringing people to Jesus Christ.