
All We Need

Broadcast #: 7271
Scripture: Ephesians 1-3

The mystery of the Christian life is that what the Lord Jesus Christ is becomes yours when you trust Him as your savior. You take on by faith, His life.

Blessing Others

Broadcast #: 7163
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:9

When others treat you poorly, be a blessing to them instead. God’s purpose for you involves being a blessing to others. Our example of blessing is found in the character of God and how He blesses us.

A Wider Viewfinder

Broadcast #: 7088
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12,14

The key to growth in Christian things is getting involved in something outside of your own concerns

Aim To Build One Another Up

Broadcast #: 7081
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Just be there. Your loving presence is more of a comfort than you know. Listen, don’t talk. Love, don’t preach.

The Need To Encourage Others

Broadcast #: 7080
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Continue helpful contact with people. Show people you really care about them with a second question. Show them your gratitude with a second thank-you. It’s important to get together with other Christians.

How To Comfort

Broadcast #: 7079
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

What does it mean for Christians to do some comforting? Be there, be physically present. Use encouraging words and positive reinforcement.

Be Ready

Broadcast #: 7075
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Though there is no given time that Christ will return, we must be ready.What does it mean to watch and be sober? Prioritize where you focus your attention.

The Action Of Ministry

Broadcast #: 7053
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:11

Paul came as a father, persuading, comforting and encouraging. We persuade others of their need for the gospel.

Knocked Down But Not Out

Broadcast #: 7013
Scripture: Psalm 37:23-24

Given enough time and trial, life can discourage anyone. The good news is: God is there to pick you up when you fall.

Shining Specialist

Broadcast #: 6951
Scripture: John 17 :15-20

As the darkness in a dark room is gone when you turn on the lights, so the Glory of the Lord Jesus in your life keeps you safe from the darkness around you.