
Joy From Knowing Christ

Broadcast #: 7210
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:4

Another part of God’s divine nature we share is joy. Applying the Word of God in your life and living in His will gives you joy.

The Cares Of Life

Broadcast #: 7187
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7

Cares are anxieties. Cast your care on God by giving over the control of the situation to God, let him manage the flow of circumstances, give him the right to manage your feelings and let it go by faith.

In All Circumstances

Broadcast #: 7027
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:2

We can be thankful in all things, both the blessings and the difficult circumstances.

He Can Reach You

Broadcast #: 6673
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:16-17

Paul was aware of how much he needed God. He can always reach us, no matter how far gone or whatever the circumstance. Get to know God in your life experiences so you can share Him with others.

Divine Destiny

Broadcast #: 6587
Scripture: Mark 12:18-28

Your destiny is made up not of circumstances around you but of your relationship with God moment by moment

Order Of Operations

Broadcast #: 6380
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12

God always starts with the heart condition before He does anything with the circumstances.

Joy Unending

Broadcast #: 6340
Scripture: Psalm 23:5

Circumstances can do all sorts of things emotionally to you. But underneath, there’s the joy that never fades and that never subsides.

Call And Answer

Broadcast #: 6316
Scripture: Psalm 116:4

Have you really called on God? Have you gotten down to business with God? God waits until you’re real.

The Step of Obedience

Broadcast #: 6300
Scripture: Colossians 1:9

Now you know there’s something this minute that you can do to obey God. Do that, and the decision with which you have been wrestling may well be taken care of in the process.

The Fervent Prayer

Broadcast #: 6286
Scripture: Colossians 4:12

He may not change the circumstances, but I can guarantee you that He will change you in the circumstances.