Invite His Presence into the ordinary things of life and He will glorify them with the shine of Heaven. People will realize that you are indeed one who belongs to Jesus, because he’s chosen you from out of all of the rest in the world.
That’s exactly what we say to other believers. “If you love Jesus, I love you too.” And then there is that open, free, uncalculated, non-scheming kind of love that doesn’t try to affect the other person at all – it just receives him or her with open heart, because of love for Jesus.
Jesus speaks of your fruit and that means the productivity of the Christian life: producing by your impact upon other people, producing others who also know and love and abide in the Lord Jesus.
Ask God in His own wonderful way to make it possible for you to become more and more fruitful. The fruit of a Christian is somebody else that’s been introduced to Jesus because of you.