Answered Prayer

God Sees Us And Hears Us

Broadcast #: 7167
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:9-12

God is ready to answer when he hears our prayers. Learn to pray earnestly, persistently until you get through to an answer.

He Can Work It Out

Broadcast #: 7005
Scripture: Psalm 37:2-9

Often times, we approach God with our prayers–and we expect those prayers to be answered in the ways we want. The importance of giving up control.

Stay In Love

Broadcast #: 6925
Scripture: John 15:9-11

How do you stay in love with Jesus? Do the things that keep you in love with Him: His Word, His fellowship, His presence, and prayer that connects you dynamically with the power of God.

Don’t Worry About The Details

Broadcast #: 6924
Scripture: John 15:7

You take time to wait on God and let the Holy Spirit guide you, and I can guarantee you, beloved, that you’ll be praying in line with the Will of God. And your prayer will have an answer.

Ask And Receive

Broadcast #: 6433
Scripture: Mark 7:24-30

There is always room for the person who asks Jesus for something. If you believe completely in Him, He will not let you down, but will give you what you have asked for.

Beseeching, Worshiping, Trusting

Broadcast #: 6376
Scripture: Mark 1:40-45

Have you ever made a list of the things you really want God to do in your life and in the lives of others around you?

Come Home

Broadcast #: 6517
Scripture: Colossians 1:9-10

You want to know God? Stop running away from Him and realize that He’s waiting for you.

Righteous Evidence

Broadcast #: 6509
Scripture: Colossians 1:9

The fruits of righteousness are the results of God working in your motives and actions.


Broadcast #: 6508
Scripture: Colossians 1:9

You share because you’re full of Him. When you’re jostled, what spills out is the blessing of God.

Filled And Overflowing

Broadcast #: 6506
Scripture: Colossians 1:9

To be filled with the Spirit means that every area of my life is yielded to His blessed presence.