I first heard Dr. Bob Cook as a young child when my mother would listen to the program on a local radio station. As a college student at Philadelphia College of Bible, I had the privilege of seeing and hearing him in person during a chapel or two. As an older adult, I would periodically get re-acquainted with the broadcast on local radio and tune in when I could, usually while commuting to work. I took an early retirement two years ago and knew I had to keep some structure to my life as part of the transition from the busy work-a-day world to a new “normal.” Part of that structure has been to listen to the re-broadcasting of Dr. Cook’s old messages at 7 AM each morning on the local Family Radio station. There has been only a handful of times when I’ve missed. It’s been a beautiful way to start my day (and get me up early). If I miss a broadcast, I can always listen to it via your website. What a wonderful legacy you have continued. Thank you for keeping his ministry alive.