Cares are anxieties. Cast your care on God by giving over the control of the situation to God, let him manage the flow of circumstances, give him the right to manage your feelings and let it go by faith.
To humble yourself before God means you acknowledge you can’t do or think anything without God’s help. Be obedient and God will take care of the recognition.
You work every day under the supervision of God. Do what you do because God has you there. Live at peace. The war in your own heart is over and you don’t need to worry with your focus on God.
People all over the world have to deal with the constant stress of pressure. How do we manage? Dr. Cook walks us through God’s strategy to deal with pressure.
You and I don’t have to depend on good and bad luck. Good luck is the quality of being in God’s will at the right place and the right times so He can bless you.