
Knowing What You Know

Broadcast #: 7352
Scripture: Ephesians 4:15

God will never do your homework for you — but He will give you wisdom in knowing what to do and what you know.

What’s Going On?

Broadcast #: 7285
Scripture: Ephesians 1:17

Interesting that Paul should pray that these people should have an understanding of what God is doing. Why? Well, because your effectiveness in any given situation often depends on whether you know what you’re doing or not.

Get To Know God

Broadcast #: 7206
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:2-3

With the knowledge of God we have all things: righteousness, sanctification and redemption. We have everything we need to live a godly life.

Who Lives In You?

Broadcast #: 6824
Scripture: John 3:14-16

If you’re completely given over to the Lord Jesus Christ, it’ll show up in what you do.

All Our Needs

Broadcast #: 6675
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:17

You are part of God’s plan in the world today. Give Him your schedule and let Him use you.

Hardness Of Heart

Broadcast #: 6620
Scripture: Mark 16:14

It comes from self-interest. The “I want” factor. What I want, when it becomes more important than what God wants.

I’m With Him

Broadcast #: 6552
Scripture: Philippians 3:10

It’s such a wonderful thing to trust the Lord Jesus to be in you and for you and through you,

Desiring His Will

Broadcast #: 6307
Scripture: Colossians 2:12

God takes care of the two problems of human nature. One is this: you don’t want to do the right thing a lot of times. The ‘will’ to do right is not always there.

Rain Or Shine

Broadcast #: 6304
Scripture: Colossians 2:10

Make a habit of turning often to your blessed living Lord and committing the present situation to Him… everything from a possible promotion to a flat tire.

Renewed Power

Broadcast #: 6518
Scripture: Colossians 1:10-11

Now, you don’t have to burn out when God is resupplying the power.