Wait On God

In Every Moment Find God

Broadcast #: 7008
Scripture: Psalm 37:9-16

As a Christian, every circumstance we find ourselves in, whether good or bad, has God’s provision in it. We are called to find God’s faithfulness in every moment.

How To Inherit The Earth

Broadcast #: 7006
Scripture: Psalm 37:9

What does God mean when He says, “the meek shall inherit the Earth?” Why is trusting in God the key to true happiness.

Trust, Rest, Wait

Broadcast #: 7004
Scripture: Psalm 37:7

So much in life involves waiting. Having faith means waiting on the Lord without a guarantee of knowing the exact timing of His plans. Explore the divine peace of trusting God’s timing.

People Of Resource

Broadcast #: 6988
Scripture: John 7:37

God makes you a resource person when you let Him satisfy your thirst.

Heart Opening

Broadcast #: 6947
Scripture: John 17:4-8

The thing that glorifies Jesus is the opening of human hearts to Him by faith so that eternal life is received and they in turn honor the Savior who saved them by His grace.

The Highest Purpose

Broadcast #: 6809
Scripture: John 1:30-31

Whatever your job may be – there’s a divine purpose that underlies it.

Children Of God

Broadcast #: 6566
Scripture: Mark 10:14

Do your children know for sure that they are in your regular, earnest, loving, intercessory prayers?

Establish Smart

Broadcast #: 7437
Scripture: Acts 15:11

When you want to put a thing across, don’t depend upon anyone who has a personal interest in it to prove the point.

Prepared To Be Surprised

Broadcast #: 7425
Scripture: Acts 14:23

The biggest blessings the Lord has for you often times will be in the places where there’s been difficulty before.