New Wine Broadcast #: 6382 Scripture: Mark 2:14-17 Beware of the tendency to watch other people only to criticize them.
A Vessel Of Grace Broadcast #: 6368 Scripture: Mark 1:16-17 God can take the person that is you, whatever you are, and make a saving impact upon other people by His Holy Spirit working through your life.
Every Day Trusting Broadcast #: 6360 Scripture: Psalm 23:6 He isn’t about to drop you now. He hasn’t brought you this far to drop you. He’s going to take care of you.
Will In Mind Broadcast #: 6356 Scripture: Psalm 23:6 God’s Word – a living entity, endowed with spiritual power by its giver, Almighty God – that will change the way you think.
On Transformation Broadcast #: 6355 Scripture: Psalm 23:6 Change begins not in circumstances, but in the mind, and by the renewing of your mind.