Keep Close Broadcast #: 7097 Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:22-24 Just one misstep in conduct or in attitude can disappoint another who is looking in to find in you the holiness of God.
One-On-One Broadcast #: 6847 Scripture: John 6:15-21 There’s a time for united prayer, but also there’s a time when you, just by yourself, need to get alone with God.
First And Foremost Broadcast #: 6759 Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:8-10 Be sure that money and things take their own secondary place as to be used for the glory of God.
Heart Purified Broadcast #: 6751 Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:22 A pure heart is the only kind that can show God’s love fervently.
A New Touch Broadcast #: 6610 Scripture: Mark 14:66-72 The temptation to run away is always a mistake. Seek God when discouraged, get a new touch and know you belong to Him.
It Always Matters Broadcast #: 6609 Scripture: Mark 14:37-48 Don’t get routine about eternity or God, but always be real with Him. Everything you do matters, no matter how small it is.
“Awakeness” Broadcast #: 6607 Scripture: Mark 14:34-44 Stay awake with the kind of consciousness that is given to you by the indwelling Spirit of God, who quickens you
Winning The Battle Broadcast #: 6371 Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 Some of the saddest things in all of life are those times when you see someone who has been used of God but is tripped up by Satan’s snares.
First And Foremost Broadcast #: 6369 Scripture: Mark 1:19-20 Make sure that the Lord Jesus and the Will of God are more important than what the gang wants. The crowd is almost always wrong.
Stand Strong Broadcast #: 6365 Scripture: Mark 1:12-13 Satan is interested in making so-called “good people” who can do their work and live their lives without God.