
How To Comfort

Broadcast #: 7079
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

What does it mean for Christians to do some comforting? Be there, be physically present. Use encouraging words and positive reinforcement.

Knowing His Presence

Broadcast #: 6960
Scripture: John 17:24

If you’ll spend a little time with your Lord, and if you’ll listen to what He says to you through His Word and by the Holy Spirit, you’ll know something of His presence.

Leadership In The Family

Broadcast #: 6694
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:4

You don’t demand that kind of a leadership, you have to earn it on your knees.

Time: An Eternal Investment

Broadcast #: 6696
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:4

It takes time with your Lord to have this element of divine majesty in your life

Hide in Christ

Broadcast #: 6648
Scripture: Psalm 91:3-4

Don’t let Satan’s half truths snare you. They are merely lies mixed with a little logic. Dwell with God and He will keep you safe in any situation.

Home With God

Broadcast #: 6647
Scripture: Psalm 91:1-2

Make God at home within your heart. The key to this kind of relationship is fear, obedience, respect, love and awe.

Stay Watchful

Broadcast #: 6641
Scripture: Mark 13

Let me react to pressures in a way that will bring glory to Jesus. Pray your way through the day.

A Person, Not Religion

Broadcast #: 6622
Scripture: Mark 16:14-15

The realness of God is what makes people different. Introduce God as a person, not a religion. Be Holy Spirit filled and bring all life’s areas into His presence and care.

Blessing His Will

Broadcast #: 6342
Scripture: Psalm 23:5

When the Lord Jesus invites you to sit down at His table, it is indeed the cup of blessing which we bless.

Exchanging Wants

Broadcast #: 7501
Scripture: Romans 15:32

How much better and how much wiser it is, beloved, just to say, “Lord Jesus, I want what you want.”