
A New Kind Of Love

Broadcast #: 7253
Scripture: 2 Peter 2

All things work together for those that love God with an agape love. That’s what’s God is looking for. That pure, deep, sweet, Calvary love, that the Holy Spirit of God puts in your heart when you trust Jesus Christ, the Savior. You can’t love God unless God puts his Holy Spirit within you.

Just As It Is

Broadcast #: 7252
Scripture: 2 Peter 2

Get into the Word. Wait on God. Tell him the brutal truth about the situation. Don’t trim it. Don’t try to dress it up. Just tell Him how it is and then wait until the Spirit of God prays through you and you will have your answer.

God Works With You

Broadcast #: 6628
Scripture: Mark 16:19

People want to be helped, not converted. God works with you when you get the Gospel out to others by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

He’s Looking For You

Broadcast #: 6618
Scripture: Mark 16:6-14

As the angel told Mary and the others after the resurrection, Jesus wants to see you too. Let Him restore you as He restored Peter.

A New Touch

Broadcast #: 6610
Scripture: Mark 14:66-72

The temptation to run away is always a mistake. Seek God when discouraged, get a new touch and know you belong to Him.

Running Away

Broadcast #: 6608
Scripture: Mark 14:44-48

The formula for doing the right thing includes seeking God, avoiding impulse and fleeing from temptation. Pray and prioritize all the things in your life.

Dwell A Little Longer

Broadcast #: 6606
Scripture: Mark 14:32-39

Life’s battles are won on your knees.The balance of power in any situation rests with people who pray.

Blessed Extras

Broadcast #: 6441
Scripture: Mark 8:27

Do you have any idea of how many wonderful truths you’re missing as you are being subjected to the teaching of the Spirit of God in the Word of God?

The Key To Ministry

Broadcast #: 6381
Scripture: Mark 2:3-15

If you can express love and compassion to them, you can also preach the Gospel to them and see them changed by the Spirit of God.

Gospel In Motion

Broadcast #: 6362
Scripture: Mark 1:1

The beginning of the Gospel includes the preaching of the Gospel – the outreach of the Gospel – by means of the use of every kind of medium and Spirit-filled believers.