He Can Reach You Broadcast #: 6673 Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:16-17 Paul was aware of how much he needed God. He can always reach us, no matter how far gone or whatever the circumstance. Get to know God in your life experiences so you can share Him with others.
Need A Change? Broadcast #: 6671 Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15 God through the Holy Spirit can change you and others. You can grow in grace and knowledge. How is God impacting you?
Making The Mark Broadcast #: 6670 Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15 Jesus helps us hit the mark. It’s always too soon to quit in life, no matter what is happening. Let Him see you through.
The Right Way Broadcast #: 6602 Scripture: Mark 14:10-11 Don’t look for the easy way, look for the right way.
On Transformation Broadcast #: 6355 Scripture: Psalm 23:6 Change begins not in circumstances, but in the mind, and by the renewing of your mind.