Sold-Out Broadcast #: 6787 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4 Hand yourself over to God – no questions asked and no fine print in the contract.
Every Step You Take Broadcast #: 6753 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4-5 Praying your way through the day touches everything in it with glory.
Accountable Broadcast #: 6736 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:7-16 Take heed to thyself — that’s your responsibility. No one will do it for you.
Totally Committed Broadcast #: 6734 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:15 God wants you to come to the place where there isn’t anything held back.
God Pondering Broadcast #: 6733 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:15 That to which you give your interest becomes a compelling and growing force in your life.
Sharing, Growing Broadcast #: 6716 Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6 When you share what God has given you, it reinforces the Truth in your own soul.