There is room for the fact that human beings, although born-again still, are human, still stumble, make mistakes, fall, and can be forgiven if they repent.
Elders are to preach God’s word and they are to be an example in what they say or don’t say. Be an example by the way you live out your life. We can only show God’s love to others by spending time in God’s presence.
The way a spouse behaves is being observed by the other. Your lifestyle can win over the unbeliever. The wife’s lifestyle includes the presence of God and respect. True beauty comes from what’s inside the person.
A wife’s lifestyle can win over an unsaved husband. The outward appearance is not as important as how you act. A holy life has the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Following our own desires, what we want instead of what God wants for us is what shapes us. Our desires need to line up with God’s plan and a holy lifestyle.
The definition of girding up your mind is ready to work. We won’t always understand why God is calling us to obey Him, but it is so He can do His work in our lives.
Give thanks. Why? Because that’s God’s Will in Christ, concerning you. The miracle of the Christian life is tied somehow to our willingness to thank God for what He’s doing in our lives, whether or not we like it.
Sit down and make a list of the things that you ought to be thankful for — things for which you have never thanked your Lord, and then get busy thanking Him.