
What Are They Seeing?

Broadcast #: 7239
Scripture: 2 Peter 2

If you keep on just the way you are, what is going to be the impact upon the people who know you, who observe you, work with you, and live with you?

Training Your Mind

Broadcast #: 7180
Scripture: 1 Peter 5:3

Training your mind involves, reading, persuading others, doctrine: what you really believe. Exhortation means how we communicate to others. Your beliefs effect your behavior.

The Confidence Of Christ’s Return

Broadcast #: 7044
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:10

The proof of Christ’s work in your life proves we can trust His promise to do what we can’t see yet. He is trustworthy. The true test of whether or not you’ve had an effective ministry can be found in the lives of people who have been changed because of you.