What is the key to getting direct access into the presence of Almighty God? The indwelling Holy Spirit, praying through you, brings you right straight into the very presence of God, and there your petitions are heard and answered.
What He wants is that you be holy like Him and without blame in terms of your relationships with other people, helpful and inspiring and full of love before Him.
God does care about you. You are special to Him. He had picked you out, had chosen you in Christ before the foundation of the world. Before God ever did any creation, He had you in mind.
See, holiness is not a tag that you wear. It’s a commitment of your life. Holiness is simply being set aside for God to use your voice, your hands, your home, your car, your telephone, your typewriter, your computer, whatever. Set aside for God to use.
We are called to obtain the glory of God, his likeness in our lives. We are called to holiness. We are made into His likeness through the trials we endure.
The way a spouse behaves is being observed by the other. Your lifestyle can win over the unbeliever. The wife’s lifestyle includes the presence of God and respect. True beauty comes from what’s inside the person.
Following our own desires, what we want instead of what God wants for us is what shapes us. Our desires need to line up with God’s plan and a holy lifestyle.