

Broadcast #: 6966
Scripture: John 18:36

I think it would be an admirable assignment for all of us to take on – to get serious about living out and obeying the truth, T-R-U-T-H, as found in what God says in His Word. The ultimate truth is found in the voice of the Savior.

Living And Praying Unity

Broadcast #: 7498
Scripture: Romans 15:30-31

Many an argument is based upon faulty information.

Baselines To Problem Solving

Broadcast #: 7435
Scripture: Acts 15:13-15

Every problem will yield to facts and faith and prayer. And so, the first step is: what are the facts?

Sharing The Facts Of The Gospel

Broadcast #: 7408
Scripture: Acts 13:14

Paul shares the history of God’s promise of a savior to people of Antioch. We must present the facts of the gospel to others and God will do the rest to bring about salvation as a result.