
The Order Of Respect

Broadcast #: 7143
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:17

The formula for a healthy society is to honor all men, fear God, honor the king, servants subject to their bosses. We must do our work with the idea of serving God in all we do.

To Love Others

Broadcast #: 7141
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:17

True sacrificial love has to come from a changed heart, changed by the Holy Spirit. Your heart’s attitude towards others will change as you pray for people in your life.

Loyalty Above All

Broadcast #: 6747
Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:21-23

Everything you do — every thought, every word — must be related to your relationship to God.

Called To Teach

Broadcast #: 6690
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:2

To teach means to make clear the authority of the Word of God. God means what He says.

A Bold Request

Broadcast #: 6582
Scripture: Mark 11:15-33

Oh God, draw me closer to your heart, reveal to me what Your Will is for me.

Prayer Of Victory

Broadcast #: 6455
Scripture: Mark 9

If you’re going to fight Satan, you have to carry weapons big enough to defeat him.

Winning The Battle

Broadcast #: 6371
Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

Some of the saddest things in all of life are those times when you see someone who has been used of God but is tripped up by Satan’s snares.

In The Midst Of Darkness

Broadcast #: 7410
Scripture: Acts 13

In humanity’s darkest hour, God was getting His will done. He was fulfilling His promise, even during the divine heartbreak of Calvary.