Photo Album: Awards and Honors
“The Lord told me all I had to do was be faithful, and He would take care of the sunshine.” – Robert A. Cook
Growing up poor in a family that was often times in dire straits, Dr. Cook never forgot the humble beginnings he came from. This showcase of Dr. Cook’s awards and accomplishments serve only as reminder that God can use anyone, in any set of circumstances, to do great things for His kingdom.
Inauguration of Dr. Robert A. Cook as President of The King’s College, ca. October 6, 1962
Kings College Chairman of the Board William Miller is to the left of a kneeling Dr. Cook; Board Member Rev. Andrew Telford is to the right giving the Prayer of Dedication
Academic regalia (cap and doctoral gown) for graduations at The King’s College (worn by Dr. Robert Cook)
First Honorary Alumni Award given to Dr. Robert Cook upon his 10th anniversary with the school, ca. March 17, 1972
Dr. Robert Cook and George Sweeting at Moody Bible Institute, ca. February 5, 1982
Dr. Cook went on to be an Alumnus of the Year
Dr. Cook appointed as Chancellor of The King’s College on April 16, 1982 — after 20 years as President
Proclamation from the Village of Briarcliff Manor, NY
A tribute to Dr. Robert Cook for his involvement in the community as President of The King’s College, ca. May 2, 1982
Photo of Dr. Cook receiving his Alumnus of the Year award from President Chase of Wheaton College, ca. 1984
Distinguished Leadership Award from Philadelphia College of Bible (now Cairn University), ca. 1984
Dr. Cook taught at PCB while he was pastoring in Philadelphia early in his career.
Commemorative plaque from the Briarcliff Manor Fire Department as a “thank you” for his community involvement upon his retirement from The King’s College, ca. April 26, 1985
“Thank you” Plaque from the Village of Briarcliff Manor, NY, for his involvement with the Fire and Police Department, and for being an outstanding citizen of the town upon his retirement from The King’s College on April 26, 1985. Dr. Cook went out of his way to be a positive influence within the community in as many ways as he could.
Dr. Cook bust sculpture by Aurelian Cafengiu of Tenafly, New Jersey
Mr. Cafengiu came from Romania and was trained in fine arts. His daughter, Alma, was a 1985 graduate of The King’s College. This bust was presented to Dr. Cook as a gift at his final graduation from The King’s College in 1985.
Western Chapter National Religious Broadcasters Los Angeles, California, Distinguished Service Award, ca. September 21, 1987
National Religious Broadcaster’s Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Cook served as President of NRB from 1985 to 1988
Dr. Cook’s Trip to Taiwan with National Religious Broadcasters
This honor was presented to Dr. Cook by the President of Taiwan.
“Platinum Book Award”, ca. October 1990
This award commemorated one million copies sold of Dr. Cook’s, “Now That I Believe”, published by Moody Press. Originally published in 1949, the book has been translated into 27 different languages and is still available in paperback and digital download from Moody Press.
“Declaration of Support” from National Religious Broadcasters while Dr. Cook was hospitalized in New York City
That year’s NRB convention was the first in over thirty year that Dr. Cook had missed.